My name is Benny…with a B. I’m a collector of useless information, endless reference, inept social skills and more 90s tv sitcom quotes than I care to admit.
I like art, all of it; I like sleepless nights and unreasonable if not dangerous amounts of coffee, calloused fingers and busy hands, freethinkers and artistic risk takers. I like my art as unruly as my beard. Art has been and always will be an all encompassing aspect of life. Whether it’s painting, sculpting, drawing or tattooing you can bet I’ve spent more time than I have trying to squeeze out every last drop of what it has to offer.
I’ve been in the business for 18 years, I’ve met so many great people and have learned so much along the way with so much more to go. I believe in keeping traditions alive, promoting handmade craftsmanship and encouraging artists to find their own voice. Never stop growing, and never get complacent.